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Supporting my argument that the majority of problems with contact lenses are a result of poor hygiene
And if so bad, then why do some refractive surgeons I know wear contact lenses instaed of unedrgoing the surgry they sell?
While staff at Optical Express needing specs are told to wear lenses and lie to customers that they've had surgery - fact!
And if so bad, then why do some refractive surgeons I know wear contact lenses instaed of unedrgoing the surgry they sell?
While staff at Optical Express needing specs are told to wear lenses and lie to customers that they've had surgery - fact!
Last Edit:10 Oct 2019 15:41
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You need to read the previous post to understand why I question the motive behind the recall of alleged faulty Acuvue lenses supplied by Johnson & Johnson
Last Edit:09 Oct 2021 15:40
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You’ve probably seen Optical Express's orchestrated campaign to put people off wearing contact lenses, flooding the internet and press expressing concern for the environment (as if!)
Simply a sickening PR exercise, with recent advertorials also claiming laser eye surgery is safer than wearing contact lenses - bullsh*t!
Contact lenses can be taken out, damaged eyes are for life! While CL problems are usually a result of poor hygiene.
And whilst some people have had their eyes taken out as a result of laser eye surgery (google "OERML Can you Go Blind"), there is no technology I know of that has developed an artificial seeing eye - and before someone argues and mentions bionic eyes, these work via the natural eye.
This recent plague of advertorials slating contact lenses suggests that the only available choice of vision correction is laser or contact lenses.
But how about sticking with glasses - the ONLY option for many thousands of us after undergoing laser/lens replacement surgery.
Even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was badmouthing CLs in 2018. Unsurprising given the FDA's close relationship with Steve Schallhorn.
But whilst OE fronts these numerous advertorials, I don't believe they have the money to finance this campaign, so the million dollar question is, which BIG industry player would benefit from increased laser eye surgery sales?
Hmmm, let me think...
And Steve Schallhorn’s shares in the company (with huge lobbying power) must have shot up in value when J&J acquired Abbott Medical Optics!
But instead of showing yet another laser promotion from J&J, let’s go back to 2017, when the company was actually promoting contact lenses...
'Keep these tips in mind and visit your eye doctor regularly—usually once per year, if you wear contact lenses—and you can count on healthy contacts and healthy eyes.'
If only I still had the option!
Simply a sickening PR exercise, with recent advertorials also claiming laser eye surgery is safer than wearing contact lenses - bullsh*t!
Contact lenses can be taken out, damaged eyes are for life! While CL problems are usually a result of poor hygiene.
And whilst some people have had their eyes taken out as a result of laser eye surgery (google "OERML Can you Go Blind"), there is no technology I know of that has developed an artificial seeing eye - and before someone argues and mentions bionic eyes, these work via the natural eye.
This recent plague of advertorials slating contact lenses suggests that the only available choice of vision correction is laser or contact lenses.
But how about sticking with glasses - the ONLY option for many thousands of us after undergoing laser/lens replacement surgery.
Even the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was badmouthing CLs in 2018. Unsurprising given the FDA's close relationship with Steve Schallhorn.
But whilst OE fronts these numerous advertorials, I don't believe they have the money to finance this campaign, so the million dollar question is, which BIG industry player would benefit from increased laser eye surgery sales?
Hmmm, let me think...
And Steve Schallhorn’s shares in the company (with huge lobbying power) must have shot up in value when J&J acquired Abbott Medical Optics!
But instead of showing yet another laser promotion from J&J, let’s go back to 2017, when the company was actually promoting contact lenses...
'Keep these tips in mind and visit your eye doctor regularly—usually once per year, if you wear contact lenses—and you can count on healthy contacts and healthy eyes.'
If only I still had the option!
Last Edit:24 Sep 2021 07:05
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The Daily Fail continues to mislead its readers 
“‘We’d suspected that some people were disposing of lenses down the drain, but it’s shocking to learn the true scale of the problem,' said Optical Express Clinical Services Director Stephen Hannan.”
Hey Tweedles! Why don’t you publish the true scale of the problems suffered by your customers after laser and lens exchange surgery at Optical Express, with full disclosure of the numbers of complaints and legal claims - current and settled?
'We all have choices in terms of vision correction, whether that’s to wear glasses more often or get laser eye surgery.'
Bad enough that the Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers Ltd) agreed not to publish any stories mentioning me or My Beautiful Eyes Foundation campaign calling for government regulation, but now they’re giving OE free advertising!
“In response, Optical Express has launched a new program to make their users aware of such environmental issues and offer advice on alternatives to using disposable lenses, such as having eye surgery or wearing glasses more frequently.
'Think of all the plastic that would be saved if the 4.2 million UK contact lens wearers chose to have laser eye surgery,' Mr Hannan commented.
'In the long run, eye surgery is better for the environment, better for your pocket and better for your eyes.'”

“‘We’d suspected that some people were disposing of lenses down the drain, but it’s shocking to learn the true scale of the problem,' said Optical Express Clinical Services Director Stephen Hannan.”
Hey Tweedles! Why don’t you publish the true scale of the problems suffered by your customers after laser and lens exchange surgery at Optical Express, with full disclosure of the numbers of complaints and legal claims - current and settled?
'We all have choices in terms of vision correction, whether that’s to wear glasses more often or get laser eye surgery.'
Bad enough that the Daily Mail (Associated Newspapers Ltd) agreed not to publish any stories mentioning me or My Beautiful Eyes Foundation campaign calling for government regulation, but now they’re giving OE free advertising!
“In response, Optical Express has launched a new program to make their users aware of such environmental issues and offer advice on alternatives to using disposable lenses, such as having eye surgery or wearing glasses more frequently.
'Think of all the plastic that would be saved if the 4.2 million UK contact lens wearers chose to have laser eye surgery,' Mr Hannan commented.
'In the long run, eye surgery is better for the environment, better for your pocket and better for your eyes.'”
Last Edit:24 Sep 2021 07:05
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Scottish Mail on Sunday today
And yes, I did contribute to the piece, but as expected, no mention of me or My Beautiful Eyes Foundation campaign calling for government regulation!
Similarly, today's piece about Bobby Qureshi in the Mail on Sunday is missing my comment given to journalist Jo Macfarlane.
Both papers of course owned by Associated News Ltd, who made an agreement with OE not to publish anything that mentioned me, so every time a well intentioned journalist includes a quote from me, I can guarantee it will be edited out before going to press!
NB: I will update this post later when online link to publication is available.
And thank you to Karen Taylor for agreeing to speak to the press.
And yes, I did contribute to the piece, but as expected, no mention of me or My Beautiful Eyes Foundation campaign calling for government regulation!
Similarly, today's piece about Bobby Qureshi in the Mail on Sunday is missing my comment given to journalist Jo Macfarlane.
Both papers of course owned by Associated News Ltd, who made an agreement with OE not to publish anything that mentioned me, so every time a well intentioned journalist includes a quote from me, I can guarantee it will be edited out before going to press!
NB: I will update this post later when online link to publication is available.
And thank you to Karen Taylor for agreeing to speak to the press.
Last Edit:22 Sep 2019 13:45
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- Mr Starburst
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I've just noticed a BBC News article on breast implant ops including the following comments - 'Women having breast implants should be warned about a condition linked to chronic pain and extreme fatigue, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) has said', and also - 'The BBC spoke to one surgeon - who did not wish to be named - who said he did not believe it was a real condition.' I'm not holding my breath for refractive surgeons to call for prospective patients to be warned about the risks of chronic pain nor for the BBC or any other media organisation to report on it even if they did!
by Mr Starburst
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I have no complaint whatsoever with the press milking Spice Girls Melanie Brown's recent eye problems, as they've highlighted the fact that she had 'botched laser eye surgery' 20 years ago 
"The singer, 43, allegedly arrived at London's Moorfields Eye Hospital and told medical staff that she was 'totally blind' and 'couldn't see anything' after losing vision in her right eye, reports The Sun."
However, a trusted source told me that Mel B did not attend the outpatients emergency clinic at Moorfields Eye Hospital (MEH) on Friday, but had she done so, they would not have referred her to Luton and Dunstable Hospital - approx 1.5hrs drive away - or indeed any other hospital!*
And why would they, when Moorfields is without doubt the best equipped eye hospital in the UK, with facilities to cope with every type of eye problem, staffed by some of the most experienced and renowned eye specialists in the country, if not the world!**
In reply to my email, Moorfields CEO David Probert told me on Monday that he was sure I understood that he was unable to confirm or deny any reports in the weekend's press regarding a patient's care.
Although not important enough for me to investigate further, (and I really couldn't care less where she was or wasn't treated) it was amusing to see other publications regurgitate the Daily Mail story, almost word for word, with just an occasional tweak here and there...
And a quick Google search this evening showed Mel's Instagram post yesterday claiming she was diagnosed with iritis in her right eye, and uveitis in her left, calling the press 'stupid', while some publications reported that she had ocular herpes.
True or false, the amount of publicity Mel B has been given over this incident proves what a priceless asset she would be to My Beautiful Eyes campaign for government regulation - if she would only agree to support us!
* Mel did in fact attend Luton & Dunstable hospital, but of course Moorfields more press worthy!
**This doesn't mean that I don't have concerns about Moorfields' modus operandi, because I most certainly do, and will share these with you another time.

"The singer, 43, allegedly arrived at London's Moorfields Eye Hospital and told medical staff that she was 'totally blind' and 'couldn't see anything' after losing vision in her right eye, reports The Sun."
However, a trusted source told me that Mel B did not attend the outpatients emergency clinic at Moorfields Eye Hospital (MEH) on Friday, but had she done so, they would not have referred her to Luton and Dunstable Hospital - approx 1.5hrs drive away - or indeed any other hospital!*
And why would they, when Moorfields is without doubt the best equipped eye hospital in the UK, with facilities to cope with every type of eye problem, staffed by some of the most experienced and renowned eye specialists in the country, if not the world!**
In reply to my email, Moorfields CEO David Probert told me on Monday that he was sure I understood that he was unable to confirm or deny any reports in the weekend's press regarding a patient's care.
Although not important enough for me to investigate further, (and I really couldn't care less where she was or wasn't treated) it was amusing to see other publications regurgitate the Daily Mail story, almost word for word, with just an occasional tweak here and there...
And a quick Google search this evening showed Mel's Instagram post yesterday claiming she was diagnosed with iritis in her right eye, and uveitis in her left, calling the press 'stupid', while some publications reported that she had ocular herpes.
True or false, the amount of publicity Mel B has been given over this incident proves what a priceless asset she would be to My Beautiful Eyes campaign for government regulation - if she would only agree to support us!
* Mel did in fact attend Luton & Dunstable hospital, but of course Moorfields more press worthy!
**This doesn't mean that I don't have concerns about Moorfields' modus operandi, because I most certainly do, and will share these with you another time.
Last Edit:22 Jul 2019 16:05
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Whilst @OERMLuk tweets are quoted in this Daily Express article, you will note that neither Sasha Rodoy nor My Beautiful Eyes Foundation campaign for government regulation are mentioned 
'[@OERMLuk tweeted to Jeremy Vine On 5] “Contrary to what you claimed on Friday blended vision DOES 'wear off'! @carolvorders had ops in 2012 that lasted only a few years, repeated last month.”
Carol was quick to issue a reply to these claims, aiming to put the record straight about her experience.
She wrote: “Er no... it has been EIGHT years between original and then a tweak... not a ‘few’ years...
“Please don't put words into my mouth... and I have been VERY happy with it both times.”
The mathematics expert then addressed Jeremy as she reassured the presenter: “Ignore comment below please."'
The Express article didn't include my last tweet to Carol Vorderman - who blocked me after I proved that I was not putting words into her mouth!

'[@OERMLuk tweeted to Jeremy Vine On 5] “Contrary to what you claimed on Friday blended vision DOES 'wear off'! @carolvorders had ops in 2012 that lasted only a few years, repeated last month.”
Carol was quick to issue a reply to these claims, aiming to put the record straight about her experience.
She wrote: “Er no... it has been EIGHT years between original and then a tweak... not a ‘few’ years...
“Please don't put words into my mouth... and I have been VERY happy with it both times.”
The mathematics expert then addressed Jeremy as she reassured the presenter: “Ignore comment below please."'
The Express article didn't include my last tweet to Carol Vorderman - who blocked me after I proved that I was not putting words into her mouth!
Last Edit:28 May 2019 18:46
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'Led to deaths... better regulation... a person's mental and physical health... cost to the NHS...' 
Music to my ears if this BBC News report referred to refractive eye surgery!
In comparison with cosmetic procedures there are AT LEAST three times as many refractive eye surgery operations performed each year in the UK - not abroad! - and the numbers of patients left irreparably damaged heavily outweigh those damaged by 'botched cosmetic procedures’
Published in 2013, a huge amount of time and money was invested (wasted) on the Keogh report, with laser eye surgery condescendingly mentioned once or twice (a sop to My Beautiful Eyes campaign calling for government regulation).
This simply angered me, because refractive eye surgery is NOT cosmetic - ever - no matter that blanket marketing suggests it is, and I have had to correct a few ophthalmic surgeons on this point over the years!
'A campaign to tackle "botched" cosmetic procedures is to be launched by the government in England next month. It follows a rise in people seeking surgeries such as a "Brazilian butt lift" abroad, which has led to deaths.
One expert welcomed the campaign [scheduled to launch in May], but said better regulation was also needed.
[England's Department of Health and Social Care] said it also hoped to tackle the number of "botched" procedures, and the resulting impact on a person's mental and physical health, as well as the cost to the NHS of treatment following such procedures.'

Music to my ears if this BBC News report referred to refractive eye surgery!
In comparison with cosmetic procedures there are AT LEAST three times as many refractive eye surgery operations performed each year in the UK - not abroad! - and the numbers of patients left irreparably damaged heavily outweigh those damaged by 'botched cosmetic procedures’
Published in 2013, a huge amount of time and money was invested (wasted) on the Keogh report, with laser eye surgery condescendingly mentioned once or twice (a sop to My Beautiful Eyes campaign calling for government regulation).
This simply angered me, because refractive eye surgery is NOT cosmetic - ever - no matter that blanket marketing suggests it is, and I have had to correct a few ophthalmic surgeons on this point over the years!
'A campaign to tackle "botched" cosmetic procedures is to be launched by the government in England next month. It follows a rise in people seeking surgeries such as a "Brazilian butt lift" abroad, which has led to deaths.
One expert welcomed the campaign [scheduled to launch in May], but said better regulation was also needed.
[England's Department of Health and Social Care] said it also hoped to tackle the number of "botched" procedures, and the resulting impact on a person's mental and physical health, as well as the cost to the NHS of treatment following such procedures.'
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I've heard his unhappy patients call Dr Dimitris Kazakos many things over the years, but 'a hunk' definitely not one of them 
Three Degrees singer Sheila Ferguson obviously didn't do much research before she let Dr Dimitris Kazakoff [sic] operate on her eyes, because she describes close runner up to David Teenan on the leaderboard (for highest number of legal claims) as a 'great surgeon' on Good Morning Britain earlier today!
Now that her rose tinted cataracts have gone, and if she's one of the lucky ones, perhaps Sheila will be able to see Dimitri Kazakos more clearly!
Listen @ 1:16 mins:

Three Degrees singer Sheila Ferguson obviously didn't do much research before she let Dr Dimitris Kazakoff [sic] operate on her eyes, because she describes close runner up to David Teenan on the leaderboard (for highest number of legal claims) as a 'great surgeon' on Good Morning Britain earlier today!
Now that her rose tinted cataracts have gone, and if she's one of the lucky ones, perhaps Sheila will be able to see Dimitri Kazakos more clearly!
Listen @ 1:16 mins:
Last Edit:09 Apr 2019 17:37
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