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Replied by admin on topic Repost from Facebook

Posted 21 Aug 2014 09:56 #21
Having written to David Moulsdale requesting copies of all images taken by OE employees @ the OERML Harley St demo last week, I was both amazed and amused to receive this response from McOptom:

"From: Stephen Hannan <StephenHannan@OpticalExpress.com>
Subject: Optical Express
Date: 21 August 2014 09:16:00 BST
To: OERML <info@mybeautifuleyes.co.uk>

Dear Sasha,

Thank you for your e-mail to David Moulsdale dated 16 August 2014 (12.43).

Please note that the Data Protection Act 1998 entitles Optical Express to charge a fee of up to £10 for responding to subject access requests. While Optical Express has waived the levying of such a fee in the past, an increase in the number of subject access requests received has resulted in Optical Express reviewing its policy and electing to impose a fee going forward.

We will provide you with copies of any images that were captured of you by our staff at 22 Harley Street on 14 August 2014 if you pay the £10 subject access fee. Please make your cheque payable to "Optical Express". This should be included with a letter of request marked for my attention and be sent to the following address;

Optical Express
200 St Vincent Street
G2 5SG

With regard to any images captured by our staff of those individuals who accompanied you, we are unable to provide you with copies of their images unless you provide us with evidence that they authorise you to act on their respective behalves for the purposes of making subject access requests to Optical Express generally or specifically with regard to this particular request. We will only accept a written letter of authorisation - a scan of an original sent as an e-mail attachment is acceptable. Please note that each such individual must also pay a subject access fee of £10, as further outlined above. We will also require you to provide a recent photograph of each such individual in order that we are able to distinguish that individual from others within the image and thereby provide each individual with his / her respective image.

Please note that we have 40 calendar days to respond to your subject access request from the date that we receive your payment of the subject access fee.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Hannan MCOptom
Clinical Services Director

T: +44 (0) 1236 795104 M: +44 (0) 7740 592389
E: stephenhannan@opticalexpress.com

NB: "...an increase in the number of subject access requests" will of course be a reference to the many damaged patients asking for copies of their records

I will be seeking legal advice re the legality of someone taking my photo without my permission and then asking me to pay for copies of same.

All other protestors who were present that day please contact me for details:
by admin

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Replied by admin on topic FACEBOOK

Posted 18 Aug 2014 22:38 #22
Please see Facebook for updates as I am a little busy right now!
Last Edit:07 Jan 2022 07:09 by admin

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  • VPO2

Replied by VPO2 on topic Fiona Morton

Posted 13 Jul 2014 20:39 #23
It's strange she's still there, given the amount of employees she's sacked for less!!!
Rumour is senior management are more impressed with her 'stripping' skills (allegedly) than her HR skills...;)
Last Edit:13 Jul 2014 20:57 by VPO2

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Replied by admin on topic FACEBOOK

Posted 01 Jul 2014 23:39 #24
Pls do - simply to satisfy my curiosity
Last Edit:02 Jul 2014 11:35 by admin

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  • Very pissed off

Replied by Very pissed off on topic FACEBOOK

Posted 27 Jun 2014 18:42 #25
I can tell you a few reasons ;)
by Very pissed off

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  • anon

Replied by anon on topic FACEBOOK

Posted 30 May 2014 21:55 #26
Can anyone at Optical Express tell us why Fiona Morton did that and is she still working for them?
by anon

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Replied by admin on topic Optical Express 'Like' OERML Facebook!

Posted 30 May 2014 11:02 #27
It was a surprise to everyone yesterday when Optical Express HR Advisor Fiona Morton - allegedly 'stripping' with the Wee Shugster in Japan, 'Liked' the post mentioning this on OERML Facebook: www.facebook.com/OpticalExpressRuinedMyLife

After embarrassing Optical Express the 'Like' was removed earlier today, presumably by a red faced Fiona herself.
Last Edit:30 May 2014 11:07 by admin


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Replied by admin on topic FACEBOOK Updates!

Posted 25 May 2014 00:53 #28

In 2012 Optical Express appointed Lord Jack McConnell as a non-executive director. An insider told me this was because David Moulsdale knew I would eventually succeed in getting My Beautiful Eyes Campaign to parliament, which I did on 20 November 2013 thanks to John McDonnell MP.

I'm told that Jack haunts the Westminster corridors attempting to lobby on behalf of Moulsdale.

For more than two years I have fought for press cover in the UK, during which time three major Scottish publications interviewed damaged Optical Express patients for stories which never materialised. The journalists who wrote them were never told why not.

Perhaps the McConnells' recently published dinner list can shed light on this, as Ministers, newspaper editors and other influential people break bread with David Moulsdale.
Last Edit:25 May 2014 00:53 by admin


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Replied by admin on topic FACEBOOK

Posted 06 Apr 2014 08:13 #29
For news updates and gossip check out Facebook:

You don't need a Facebook account to read posts!

by admin


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Replied by Nick on topic Post from Facebook

Posted 15 Mar 2014 16:48 #30

admin wrote: www.facebook.com/OpticalExpressRuinedMyLife

There's never been any reported cases of anything going wrong[/b][/i]".

With laser or with lens replacement, I asked?

She replied: "...never had any reported cases of it going wrong".

I asked: "Never?":

Just heard this, so so funny, Loved the way Sasha ended the call. Brilliant stuff.
Last Edit:28 Mar 2014 22:18 by Nick

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