

  • Jane

Replied by Jane on topic Optimax Ruined My Life

Posted 22 Aug 2015 12:58 #131
I had LASIK wavefront to both eyes at Optimax Manchester in November 2012. Prior to this I had -3 myopia in both eyes and very little astigmatism. I am devastated at what this surgery has done to my sight and my quality of life. I have lost quality and comfort in my vision.

My symptoms...
No clarity or sharpness to my vision especially noticeable during the daylight, this causes me severe eye strain every day. In normal daylight I have blurry vision, starbursts from car lights, I don't feel confident driving or even walking down the street, with my eyes like this I feel dizzy, which is not good especially when I have two young children to look after.

I tried many different glasses prescriptions, and eye drops, but these do nothing to help.

I raised my concerns with Optimax Manchester at various stages during the first year after surgery, and at an appointment 12 months after the surgery, the optometrist told me to just 'relax', Optimax then discharged me.

The next 12 months turned out to be the worst time of my life, unable to find any relief from my symptoms, I suffered with clinical depression.

In 2014, very unhappy, I contacted Optimax, and an appointment was made for me in July 2014 to see my LASIK surgeon, Dr Seethappa Madhusudhan. Various eye examinations were carried out and he told me that everything was normal and that I just have 'dry eyes'. He arranged for two different types of drops to be sent to my home, Lubristil Gel, and Systane. I followed the dosage instructions but the drops did not help me.

Desperately unhappy, I made contact with a doctor in America via email, and he put me in touch with Sasha Rodoy. Finally I realised that I was not alone, I had felt so alone for so long.

I requested a referal to an 'independant specialist' of my choice, however Optimax policy indicated that I must attend an appointment with the medical director Dr Amir Hamid at their London branch.
After various eye examinations Dr Hamid could not explain why I am experiencing these symptoms, and told me that everything was normal, and that I DO NOT have dry eye (this conversation was recorded).

Unhappy with the situation, I requested a second opinion with an independant specialist of my choice, Optimax proceeded to offer a referal for me to see a corneal surgeon in Manchester, Arun Brahma.
I stated again that I want to see an independant specialist of MY CHOICE. They agreed to refer me to see Prof Harminder Dua at Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham on 7th January 2015.

I need honest answers about why my vision is so poor, Optimax have told me everything is normal and two of their surgeons have given me conflicting advice about dry eye. I do not trust Optimax they have failed to tell me why I am suffering with my vision.

I met my surgeon Dr Seethappa Madhusudhan 10 minutes before the surgery, and the potential complications were not explained thoroughly.

My GP referred me to the eye hospital in Wigan, and on 24th Nov 2014 the Opthalmologist carried out tests, and confirmed that I DO NOT have a problem with dry eyes, and that I do not need any dry eye treatment.

A topograhphy was carried out and it was suggested that something could be irregular within the centre of my vision on both eyes.

January 2015 Prof Dua examined me and found 'central islands' in both of my eyes.

March 2015 Sheraz Daya examined me and diagnosed Meibomian Gland Disease and possible decentration

It is nearly 3 years now since my surgery, and now my life is such a mess, I feel my life has stopped and I am full of regret.

When things go wrong, Optimax just do not care, this is all about rich business men playing with peoples lives.

I am devastated at what this surgery has done to my sight and my quality of life. I have lost quality and comfort in my vision.

Optimax ruined my life!

I fully support Sasha Rodoy and My Beautiful Eyes Campaign as this industry needs regulating so that normal people like me can't just walk in off the high street and be sold a ‘dream’ that often goes so badly wrong.
Last Edit:28 Jan 2021 21:01 by Jane
  • admin
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Replied by admin on topic Sasha Rodoy v Russell Ambrose t/a Optimax Unltd

Posted 20 Aug 2015 20:33 #132
I'm enjoying 2015, and so much more yet to come...

Sasha Rodoy v (1) Russell Keith Ambrose t/a Optimax Unltd (2) Optimax Clinics Ltd.

Trial listed for 2 days, 11-12 November 2015 @ the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand.

Russell is a wealthy man and has a full legal team working for him. I am representing myself, and Stephanie Holloway has agreed to assist as my McKenzie Friend.

It will be deja vu for both of us to be back at the Royal Courts, except this time I'm the Claimant instead of Stephanie!

With the trial scheduled exactly 4 weeks after Bad Eye Day (14 October, Committee Rm 10, House of Commons), press and media interest is guaranteed.

It's open to the public, so I hope many of you will come along and advertise the name of the clinic and/or surgeon who ruined your life on a T shirt - and talk to the press if you fee like it.

Interesting that Lady Justice is blind. I wonder if she went to the same clinic as me :kiss:
Last Edit:21 Aug 2015 08:20 by admin
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jimmy B
  • Tony

Replied by Tony on topic Optimax spam

Posted 15 Aug 2015 14:56 #133
I got one too. Try contacting the marketing office and tell them to stop it. When I rang they told me to contact the following marketing person who is responsible for this mess:
Last Edit:15 Aug 2015 15:01 by Tony
  • Jane

Replied by Jane on topic Optimax spam

Posted 14 Aug 2015 14:57 #134
Why have Optimax sent me this?? They've already caused enough damage to my eyes.

Last Edit:15 Aug 2015 15:02 by Jane
  • Ashley Richards
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Replied by Ashley Richards on topic Optimax Patients

Posted 30 Jul 2015 20:36 #135
I've been seriously damaged by laser eye surgery and left with disabling results, like everyone else who suffers these conditions. This invasive surgery has left my vision and eye health totally diminished to the extent that it took my livelihood away.

My fifth laser PTK surgery is due in August/September at Moorfields and the sixth operation will follow.

Seven years of this kind of hell should be reserved for those whom made this happen for profit against the innocent trusting public that you would not do us harm under your professional code. :sick:

So my message to the people selling this, your turn is just around the corner! Justice is coming like an unstoppable train.
Last Edit:31 Jul 2015 09:47 by Ashley Richards
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Replied by admin on topic Sasha Rodoy v Russell Ambrose t/a Optimax Unltd

Posted 30 Jul 2015 13:35 #136

admin wrote:

If you've been paying attention to my legal battle v Optimax/Russell Ambrose, you'll remember that on 18 May 2015 District Judge Silverman ordered that the President of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists should appoint an expert ophthalmologist to report on, “eyesight problems suffered by the Claimant as a consequence of the treatment that was carried out on 18 February 2011”.

I should explain that in 2014 this matter might have been resolved without a trial, but only on the condition I complied with Russell Ambrose’s demands.

In 2013, when Russell discovered that I had recorded all our meetings and realised that I was pulling his strings, not the other way round as he arrogantly thought, he was livid!

Throwing his toys out of the pram he refused to meet one of the terms of our settlement agreement unless I agreed to see a specialist to 'prove’ that my eyesight problems were a result of the lasek treatment I underwent at Optimax on 18 February 2011.

I refused - quite reasonably I thought, because we signed a settlement agreement in 2012 based on this fact, and Russell had seen reports from eminent ophthalmologists who agreed. And when his own senior optometrist examined me in 2013, her readings showed that my vision has deteriorated further.

So in 2014, I issued court proceedings for breach of agreement, and he counterclaimed for the same. (There’s more to this, but I’m bound by ‘without prejudice’ rules)

At the Allocation hearing on 7 January 2015, Russell’s barrister, Tim Walker, asked District Judge Price to order that I be examined by an ophthalmologist appointed by the President of the RCOphth.

Judge Price asked if were willing to agree to this, and I said not. He asked why and I explained. I also showed him a report from one of the surgeons who’d examined me, paid by Russell.

I also told him that I would see a dozen specialists who would all support my claim, but I would not do so simply to make the Defendant happy.

In his wisdom, District Judge Price did not impose the order requested by the Defendant’s barrister.

However, at the CMC on 18 May, District Judge Silverman gave me no opportunity to state my case and accepted at face value what Tim Walker told him, hence my being forced to see an ophthalmologist as the Defendant requested.

But, as this will be a high profile case, especially with the press Bad Eye Day will attract before the trial, there doesn’t seem to be a surgeon who wants to become embroiled in our legal wranglings.

Yesterday afternoon, Kathy Evans, RCOphth Chief Executive, sent the following letter to District Judge Silverman.

It therefore looks likely that we will be called back to Court for new directions.

Worryingly, at the CMC on 18 May, Silverman stated that an ophthalmologist is not a surgeon, and Tim Walker agreed! Both ignored me when I corrected them. In fact, the Judge pretty much ignored or dismissed most of what I said.

Coincidentally, the same day - before receiving a copy of Kathy’s letter, I had logged a complaint with the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office outlining my concerns about the way District Judge Silverman had treated me.

It’ll be interesting if we are recalled, because I won’t allow him to bully me again, and I’ll take a printout of the dictionary definition of 'ophthalmologist'!
Last Edit:30 Jul 2015 17:39 by admin
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ashley Richards
  • ANGRY 2

Replied by ANGRY 2 on topic OPTIMAX STINKS

Posted 27 Jul 2015 15:29 #137

Last Edit:27 Jul 2015 16:58 by ANGRY 2
  • Caro

Replied by Caro on topic OPTIMAX CHANGED MY LIFE.

Posted 21 Jul 2015 19:59 #138
While on the subject, my dry eye /blepharitis has my eyes on fire day and night, drops take the edge off - for all of 8 seconds. My exophoria is so bad it makes me feel disoriented as I cannot focus on moving crowds etc, properly.
The condition makes me feel dizzy and sick, and my head and left eye hurt like hell....
Last Edit:21 Jul 2015 20:09 by Caro
  • Ashley Richards
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Replied by Ashley Richards on topic Optimax Patients

Posted 21 Jul 2015 16:05 #139
II would like to say Jane that you’re not alone. On Sunday morning my right eye eroded twice in the space of two hours. Starting the antibiotics to stop any infection taking hold.
It never ends, this industry is failing in its duty of care hands down, winning by a country mile :sick:
Last Edit:21 Jul 2015 16:50 by Ashley Richards
  • Jane

Replied by Jane on topic Optimax Patients

Posted 21 Jul 2015 13:59 #140
Headaches eye strain I can't stand this, and I'm only 34. Optimax have ruined my life.
by Jane
Moderators: admin

OERML & My Beautiful Eyes Foundation rely on your support to expose the horrors of this unregulated industry.

Your help is very much appreciated!
