- Sasha
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This card is for Russell Ambrose, as I couldn’t let today slip by without reminding him that this is the NINTH anniversary of my laser eye surgery at Optimax - sadly a day more vividly remembered than most happier days in my life 
On a positive note, the greedy psychopathic businessman, and negligent surgeon Dr Wilbert Hoe, are the reason that My Beautiful Eyes Foundation and OERML exist.

On a positive note, the greedy psychopathic businessman, and negligent surgeon Dr Wilbert Hoe, are the reason that My Beautiful Eyes Foundation and OERML exist.
Last Edit:18 Feb 2020 19:38
by Sasha
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'42 procedures in 1 day' - and Optimax consider that something to boast about!
No wonder he (and Optimax) has a number of legal claims against him
Shame on you Dr Ghassan Ayoubi!
No wonder he (and Optimax) has a number of legal claims against him

Shame on you Dr Ghassan Ayoubi!
Last Edit:02 Oct 2023 09:04
by admin
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Hey Russell, for transparency and balance don't you think my ’touching patient story’ should be included in your Optimax article 
'It’s a classic case of “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”, but worsening vision brings a multitude of other health concerns with it – and not just physical health concerns.’
No Russell, I DID know what I had before I made the most regrettable mistake of my life and trusted your lying sleazeball of a surgeon Dr Wibert Hoe with my beautiful healthy eyes!
He irreparably damaged my eyes, and my life, by performing surgery that I should never have had - that you knew I should not have had (documented in Optimax internal emails obtained under my second SAR in 2017, dishonestly not disclosed under my first!) - so that I’m left to suffer pain and countless problems with my eyes, scared of what else may occur in the future.
Russell kept this from me and lied through his teeth (all recorded), knowing that I would NEVER have signed the settlement agreement if I'd found out.
'The link between failing vision and declining mental health has recently been brought to the spotlight. Research over the past few years has highlighted that people suffering from vision loss are twice as likely to suffer from depression as the rest of the population.’
No sh*t Sherlock!
I recently issued my SIXTEENTH legal claim against Russell Ambrose & Optimax (for breach of our Settlement Agreement), because Russell hates to be beaten, so makes me fight for what I am entitled to according to the agreement, bullying me with his very expensive legal team.
And my email to Russell's solicitor last night described his client as ‘sociopathic’, because I don't believe a normal human being could live with their conscience knowing that they are responsible for destroying so many people’s lives, while continuing to do so with zero remorse. (Whereas I think David Moulsdale veers toward psychopathy given what I know about him.)
But I thank Russell for this article, because it’s very helpful to all legal teams representing damaged refractive eye surgery clients, as one lawyer has already advised me.
And I have no doubt that Humpty Dumpty* will therefore be cursing Russell when he reads it.
Meanwhile, I apologise for the fact that I haven’t had time to write the next instalment of 'No More Ms Nice Guy’, which will include details of my secret meeting with Moulsdale in May 2014. But before you jump to conclusions, I assure you it had nothing to do with OERML, entirely about Optimax and Russell Ambrose.
And now I’ve teased you with that little gem, I'm going to have to get the post written soon!
*Russell’s pet name for David Moulsdale, because he hopes OE will fall off the wall and publicly ‘break' before Optimax does.

'It’s a classic case of “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”, but worsening vision brings a multitude of other health concerns with it – and not just physical health concerns.’
No Russell, I DID know what I had before I made the most regrettable mistake of my life and trusted your lying sleazeball of a surgeon Dr Wibert Hoe with my beautiful healthy eyes!
He irreparably damaged my eyes, and my life, by performing surgery that I should never have had - that you knew I should not have had (documented in Optimax internal emails obtained under my second SAR in 2017, dishonestly not disclosed under my first!) - so that I’m left to suffer pain and countless problems with my eyes, scared of what else may occur in the future.
Russell kept this from me and lied through his teeth (all recorded), knowing that I would NEVER have signed the settlement agreement if I'd found out.
'The link between failing vision and declining mental health has recently been brought to the spotlight. Research over the past few years has highlighted that people suffering from vision loss are twice as likely to suffer from depression as the rest of the population.’
No sh*t Sherlock!
I recently issued my SIXTEENTH legal claim against Russell Ambrose & Optimax (for breach of our Settlement Agreement), because Russell hates to be beaten, so makes me fight for what I am entitled to according to the agreement, bullying me with his very expensive legal team.
And my email to Russell's solicitor last night described his client as ‘sociopathic’, because I don't believe a normal human being could live with their conscience knowing that they are responsible for destroying so many people’s lives, while continuing to do so with zero remorse. (Whereas I think David Moulsdale veers toward psychopathy given what I know about him.)
But I thank Russell for this article, because it’s very helpful to all legal teams representing damaged refractive eye surgery clients, as one lawyer has already advised me.
And I have no doubt that Humpty Dumpty* will therefore be cursing Russell when he reads it.
Meanwhile, I apologise for the fact that I haven’t had time to write the next instalment of 'No More Ms Nice Guy’, which will include details of my secret meeting with Moulsdale in May 2014. But before you jump to conclusions, I assure you it had nothing to do with OERML, entirely about Optimax and Russell Ambrose.
And now I’ve teased you with that little gem, I'm going to have to get the post written soon!
*Russell’s pet name for David Moulsdale, because he hopes OE will fall off the wall and publicly ‘break' before Optimax does.
Last Edit:31 May 2019 19:01
by admin
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'verb: need; 3rd person present: needs; past tense: needed; past participle: needed; gerund or present participle: needing; modal verb: need
1. require (something) because it is essential or very important rather than just desirable.'
Just saying

by admin
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- Anon
Email Optimax CEO [admin edit]
admin: If you have anything constructive or helpful to post you are welcome to do so, but unsubstantiated and cryptic posts don't help my campaign or damaged patients.
Send me documented evidence
admin: If you have anything constructive or helpful to post you are welcome to do so, but unsubstantiated and cryptic posts don't help my campaign or damaged patients.
Send me documented evidence

Last Edit:13 Apr 2019 00:27
by Anon
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- Emmaln88
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I stumbled across this website while researching. I had lasik + wavefront eye surgery in 2013. It was successful at first but unfortunately deteriorated within a year. My prescription has changed 3 times since surgery, getting worse each time and I now have to wear glasses again 24/7. I also have dry eyes too now. I recently went back to Optimax for a consultation and they want me to return again in 3 months as the tests showed a change in prescription. I was hoping to ask for advice about the corrective surgery - which is free - what questions should I ask? Is it not advisable at all?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind Regards
admin: If you developed dry eyes as a result of laser eye surgery, then it can only get worse if you have further 'corrective' surgery - to correct the results of the ops that you bought to correct your vision initially!
A refund is the only thing I'd want from Optimax - and artificial tears of course, which it's possible you will unfortunately need for the rest of your life
I stumbled across this website while researching. I had lasik + wavefront eye surgery in 2013. It was successful at first but unfortunately deteriorated within a year. My prescription has changed 3 times since surgery, getting worse each time and I now have to wear glasses again 24/7. I also have dry eyes too now. I recently went back to Optimax for a consultation and they want me to return again in 3 months as the tests showed a change in prescription. I was hoping to ask for advice about the corrective surgery - which is free - what questions should I ask? Is it not advisable at all?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind Regards
admin: If you developed dry eyes as a result of laser eye surgery, then it can only get worse if you have further 'corrective' surgery - to correct the results of the ops that you bought to correct your vision initially!
A refund is the only thing I'd want from Optimax - and artificial tears of course, which it's possible you will unfortunately need for the rest of your life

Last Edit:02 Oct 2023 17:45
by Emmaln88
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I'm not allowed to post reviews about my surgery at Optimax, but if I were I doubt that I could do better than this from another angry victim 

Last Edit:28 Apr 2021 18:10
by admin
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- Jane A
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It'll be six years this weekend (24/11/2012), the date my life was ruined forever by Optimax.
The past 6 years have been a constant daily battle dealing with the discomfort, blurred vision, eye strain, depression... you name it
I was 100% happier in my glasses & contacts, and I was fooled into thinking that laser eye surgery would make me happier and life easier.
It's a very lonely place when you are the victim of damaged eyes, as trying to get the correct help is verging on the impossible. It's a way of life I have sadly had to accept, and I keep how I feel to myself much of the time.
Russell Ambrose & Optimax, you will never know the severity of what you have done to me. Nor do you care.
I just hope that anyone reading this considering eye surgery will steer well clear.
The past 6 years have been a constant daily battle dealing with the discomfort, blurred vision, eye strain, depression... you name it

I was 100% happier in my glasses & contacts, and I was fooled into thinking that laser eye surgery would make me happier and life easier.
It's a very lonely place when you are the victim of damaged eyes, as trying to get the correct help is verging on the impossible. It's a way of life I have sadly had to accept, and I keep how I feel to myself much of the time.
Russell Ambrose & Optimax, you will never know the severity of what you have done to me. Nor do you care.
I just hope that anyone reading this considering eye surgery will steer well clear.
Last Edit:20 Nov 2018 13:13
by Jane A
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As I explained in my previous post, Ms Ellis refused to approve my comment on her page, and on 22 October I emailed her...
'Hi Rosalyn
Re thamesidemedia.com/laser-eye-surgery-optimax-story
Given their offer of free surgery for ‘digital influencers’, and your refusal to allow any negative comments about this company on your page, did you receive an incentive from Optimax in return for your blog?
If the answer is no, then why are you refusing to publish honest comments from damaged patients?'
No reply, so I sent a second email two days later...
'Hi Rosalyn
Your response to my previous email would be appreciated, if only out of courtesy.
Meanwhile, if you have received any incentive from Optimax, you should disclose this on your blog.’
A few days later I revisited her blog and found this...
More fool Rosalyn Ellis if she wasn’t paid, while Russell Ambrose will be thrilled if it was a freebie, given that he has a phobia about parting with money, one that I do my utmost to help him overcome - I hate to see anyone suffering!
But no matter if paid or not, Ms Ellis has indisputably written an advertorial: according to the Cambridge Dictionary definition, 'an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine that is designed to look like an article by the writers of the magazine’.
Coincidentally, an email received by a journalist on 18 October was forwarded to me last week, from 'Colewood Internet Ltd’, on behalf of Optimax.
'Subject: Free Vision Correction Surgery for Journalists at Optimax'
The exact same message was sent as a press release in January 2018!
Of course they had no serious takers, presumably because any journalist worth their salt would research this subject in depth before putting their eyes and reputation on the line.
And I doubt that Optimax’s publicised lifetime bond to Sasha Rodoy and inextricable link to OERML is a good advertisement either!
But just in case any of you crazy fun loving devil may care journalists out there are prepared to throw caution to the wind, say 'what the hell, who cares that I’ve only got one pair of eyes, let’s give it a go!', Krina Desai is now the person to contact, because after 10 years of keeping secrets, James Seton left Optimax in October.
Glad to help out Russell, and I'll even share details with the CQC, GMC, and RCOphth
'Hi Rosalyn
Re thamesidemedia.com/laser-eye-surgery-optimax-story
Given their offer of free surgery for ‘digital influencers’, and your refusal to allow any negative comments about this company on your page, did you receive an incentive from Optimax in return for your blog?
If the answer is no, then why are you refusing to publish honest comments from damaged patients?'
No reply, so I sent a second email two days later...
'Hi Rosalyn
Your response to my previous email would be appreciated, if only out of courtesy.
Meanwhile, if you have received any incentive from Optimax, you should disclose this on your blog.’
A few days later I revisited her blog and found this...
More fool Rosalyn Ellis if she wasn’t paid, while Russell Ambrose will be thrilled if it was a freebie, given that he has a phobia about parting with money, one that I do my utmost to help him overcome - I hate to see anyone suffering!
But no matter if paid or not, Ms Ellis has indisputably written an advertorial: according to the Cambridge Dictionary definition, 'an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine that is designed to look like an article by the writers of the magazine’.
Coincidentally, an email received by a journalist on 18 October was forwarded to me last week, from 'Colewood Internet Ltd’, on behalf of Optimax.
'Subject: Free Vision Correction Surgery for Journalists at Optimax'
The exact same message was sent as a press release in January 2018!
Of course they had no serious takers, presumably because any journalist worth their salt would research this subject in depth before putting their eyes and reputation on the line.
And I doubt that Optimax’s publicised lifetime bond to Sasha Rodoy and inextricable link to OERML is a good advertisement either!
But just in case any of you crazy fun loving devil may care journalists out there are prepared to throw caution to the wind, say 'what the hell, who cares that I’ve only got one pair of eyes, let’s give it a go!', Krina Desai is now the person to contact, because after 10 years of keeping secrets, James Seton left Optimax in October.
Glad to help out Russell, and I'll even share details with the CQC, GMC, and RCOphth

Last Edit:04 Nov 2018 10:55
by admin
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- admin
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Sent to me last week,
'Laser eye surgery with Optimax – my story'
I read it with dismay, and called the author, Rosalyn Ellis, who was 'smitten with laser technology'.
I told her who I am, what I do, that I'd had surgery at Optimax, explained my concerns with what she had written, and suggested it would be educational for her to do some further research.
Her hackles up, obviously unhappy with my verbal critique, she told me that she didn't like be called in this way, to which I replied, then perhaps she shouldn’t advertise her phone number on her website
Nearing the end of our conversation - I did most of the talking - she told me that she had no intention of taking down her blog, which I hadn’t asked her to do by the way, and I subsequently posted the following comment on her page...
"My eyes were irreparably and seriously damaged entirely as a result of laser eye surgery @ Optimax in February 2011.
Discovering that I was far from being a ‘rare case', as Optimax owner Russell Ambrose initially told me, in January 2012 I launched My Beautiful Eyes Foundation, a patient advocacy service and campaign calling for regulation of the refractive eye surgery industry - there is none!
Since which time I have continued to work closely with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell to this end, while a string of health ministers claim there’s no problem in copy/paste letters spanning 7 years, and the government turn a blind eye [sic] to the many thousands of damaged patients forced to rely on the NHS for treatment, because providers like Optimax refuse to provide aftercare after 12 months.
You say that you are not endorsing Optimax or 'specific surgeons', and though you mention the quoted cost you don't mention whether in fact you paid for your surgery. However, as this is most definitely an advertorial, for both Optimax and Amir Hamid, and you a copywriter, can you please advise whether or not you did pay for your surgery?
And for your information, still owned by Optimax boss Russell Ambrose, Dr Amir Hamid worked at Ultralase until relocating to Optegra.
The statistics quoted by Optimax - and all other providers - are lies, e.g. ‘In the hands of an experienced surgeon, the chance of having a complication leading to a worsening of vision is around 1 in 1,000.’
Published by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, this info was provided by refractive surgeons, who make a VERY lucrative living from these ops: the NHS, press, etc…, regurgitate such unsubstantiated stats, accepting them as fact without any actual evidence!!
Since launching My Beautiful Eyes Foundation, I have been contacted by many thousands of damaged patients, and they keep on coming. Go figure that statistic!
'I’m a level-headed person, so I am more persuaded by scientific facts* and the opinions of people I know and trust than the rantings of people with an axe to grind.’**
*Scientific facts according to the industry! There is NO data available that reflects the incredibly high numbers damaged by refractive surgery - incl laser and lens exchange.
**And to describe complaints from people left permanently damaged by this unregulated industry as ‘rantings' is horrifying and beyond insulting!
I suggest that you do some research, look at OERML website forum, watch a few OERML YouTube videos - esp ‘Can I go blind…’ - and then see if you feel comfortable repeating your words!!
'Fortunately I managed to gain control of my mind by focusing on the image of my beautiful baby daughter’s face in the minutes after she had been born in a surgery room like this.’
So many damaged fathers unable to witness the birth of their babies in similar surgery rooms, often because of severe light sensitivity - Google 'Greg Brady Accuvision’!
'I also concluded that if the surgeons were really as bad as the vocal grudge-bearing contingent were saying, then they would have been struck off for medical negligence, which clearly was not the case.’
Not so simple Rosalyn!
Protecting their fee paying members, I have dozens of decision letters from the GMC following investigations into complaints from damaged patients, stating that, although the surgeons had not operated to the standard expected from a consultant surgeon, the case is closed with no action taken!
Even though my surgeon was provably negligent, the same decision was made re my complaint.
'Indeed, my assigned surgeon, Dr Amir Abdul Hamid, had a vast amount of eye surgery experience in both private practice and the NHS.’ I suggest that you ask Dr Hamid how many complaints, and how many legal claims he's had from damaged patients.
As for 'grudge bearing', you were lucky, but I have no doubt that had your eyes been irreparably damaged, you would also be grinding your axe!
There’s so much more I could write but not enough time, way too busy fighting this corrupt industry and trying to help those damaged by it, and I can only trust that you will allow my comment in order to balance your failure to address the very serious risks of this unregulated surgery.
And whilst I note that there are few comments from readers, just one patient damaged because of your glowing and irresponsible promotion of this risky surgery is one too many!
To anyone reading this considering refractive eye surgery, please google ‘Sasha Rodoy' & ‘OERML'.
And if you have any doubt about any of my claims, ask yourself why has no-one ever attempted to sue me for libel and/or slander?”
In the last paragraph of her blog, Rosalyn Ellis claims, 'I don’t want to give any sense that I’m endorsing Optimax or specific surgeons, or generally the industry surrounding laser eye surgery, which after all is not essential surgery. Anyone contemplating this procedure really needs to understand the statistical possibility of complications, and decide for themselves if they want to risk it.’
What absolute nonsense! Ms Ellis has written a blanket endorsement of Optimax - AND a specific surgeon, and of course the industry by association!
As for, ‘statistical possibility of complications’. Do please tell which statistics these would be Ms Ellis?
And did she publish my comment you wonder?
Don’t be silly - as if she'd allow facts to stand in the way of a damned good advertorial!
NB: Amir Hamid has joined Optegra’s stable of jobbing surgeons, but you won’t find any mention in his profile of his six years at Optimax/Ultralase!
In fact it was Hammy who performed Russell Ambrose’s lens replacement surgery in 2015!
'Laser eye surgery with Optimax – my story'
I read it with dismay, and called the author, Rosalyn Ellis, who was 'smitten with laser technology'.
I told her who I am, what I do, that I'd had surgery at Optimax, explained my concerns with what she had written, and suggested it would be educational for her to do some further research.
Her hackles up, obviously unhappy with my verbal critique, she told me that she didn't like be called in this way, to which I replied, then perhaps she shouldn’t advertise her phone number on her website

Nearing the end of our conversation - I did most of the talking - she told me that she had no intention of taking down her blog, which I hadn’t asked her to do by the way, and I subsequently posted the following comment on her page...
"My eyes were irreparably and seriously damaged entirely as a result of laser eye surgery @ Optimax in February 2011.
Discovering that I was far from being a ‘rare case', as Optimax owner Russell Ambrose initially told me, in January 2012 I launched My Beautiful Eyes Foundation, a patient advocacy service and campaign calling for regulation of the refractive eye surgery industry - there is none!
Since which time I have continued to work closely with Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell to this end, while a string of health ministers claim there’s no problem in copy/paste letters spanning 7 years, and the government turn a blind eye [sic] to the many thousands of damaged patients forced to rely on the NHS for treatment, because providers like Optimax refuse to provide aftercare after 12 months.
You say that you are not endorsing Optimax or 'specific surgeons', and though you mention the quoted cost you don't mention whether in fact you paid for your surgery. However, as this is most definitely an advertorial, for both Optimax and Amir Hamid, and you a copywriter, can you please advise whether or not you did pay for your surgery?
And for your information, still owned by Optimax boss Russell Ambrose, Dr Amir Hamid worked at Ultralase until relocating to Optegra.
The statistics quoted by Optimax - and all other providers - are lies, e.g. ‘In the hands of an experienced surgeon, the chance of having a complication leading to a worsening of vision is around 1 in 1,000.’
Published by the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, this info was provided by refractive surgeons, who make a VERY lucrative living from these ops: the NHS, press, etc…, regurgitate such unsubstantiated stats, accepting them as fact without any actual evidence!!
Since launching My Beautiful Eyes Foundation, I have been contacted by many thousands of damaged patients, and they keep on coming. Go figure that statistic!
'I’m a level-headed person, so I am more persuaded by scientific facts* and the opinions of people I know and trust than the rantings of people with an axe to grind.’**
*Scientific facts according to the industry! There is NO data available that reflects the incredibly high numbers damaged by refractive surgery - incl laser and lens exchange.
**And to describe complaints from people left permanently damaged by this unregulated industry as ‘rantings' is horrifying and beyond insulting!
I suggest that you do some research, look at OERML website forum, watch a few OERML YouTube videos - esp ‘Can I go blind…’ - and then see if you feel comfortable repeating your words!!
'Fortunately I managed to gain control of my mind by focusing on the image of my beautiful baby daughter’s face in the minutes after she had been born in a surgery room like this.’
So many damaged fathers unable to witness the birth of their babies in similar surgery rooms, often because of severe light sensitivity - Google 'Greg Brady Accuvision’!
'I also concluded that if the surgeons were really as bad as the vocal grudge-bearing contingent were saying, then they would have been struck off for medical negligence, which clearly was not the case.’
Not so simple Rosalyn!
Protecting their fee paying members, I have dozens of decision letters from the GMC following investigations into complaints from damaged patients, stating that, although the surgeons had not operated to the standard expected from a consultant surgeon, the case is closed with no action taken!
Even though my surgeon was provably negligent, the same decision was made re my complaint.
'Indeed, my assigned surgeon, Dr Amir Abdul Hamid, had a vast amount of eye surgery experience in both private practice and the NHS.’ I suggest that you ask Dr Hamid how many complaints, and how many legal claims he's had from damaged patients.
As for 'grudge bearing', you were lucky, but I have no doubt that had your eyes been irreparably damaged, you would also be grinding your axe!
There’s so much more I could write but not enough time, way too busy fighting this corrupt industry and trying to help those damaged by it, and I can only trust that you will allow my comment in order to balance your failure to address the very serious risks of this unregulated surgery.
And whilst I note that there are few comments from readers, just one patient damaged because of your glowing and irresponsible promotion of this risky surgery is one too many!
To anyone reading this considering refractive eye surgery, please google ‘Sasha Rodoy' & ‘OERML'.
And if you have any doubt about any of my claims, ask yourself why has no-one ever attempted to sue me for libel and/or slander?”
In the last paragraph of her blog, Rosalyn Ellis claims, 'I don’t want to give any sense that I’m endorsing Optimax or specific surgeons, or generally the industry surrounding laser eye surgery, which after all is not essential surgery. Anyone contemplating this procedure really needs to understand the statistical possibility of complications, and decide for themselves if they want to risk it.’
What absolute nonsense! Ms Ellis has written a blanket endorsement of Optimax - AND a specific surgeon, and of course the industry by association!
As for, ‘statistical possibility of complications’. Do please tell which statistics these would be Ms Ellis?
And did she publish my comment you wonder?
Don’t be silly - as if she'd allow facts to stand in the way of a damned good advertorial!
NB: Amir Hamid has joined Optegra’s stable of jobbing surgeons, but you won’t find any mention in his profile of his six years at Optimax/Ultralase!
In fact it was Hammy who performed Russell Ambrose’s lens replacement surgery in 2015!
Last Edit:19 Oct 2018 22:51
by admin
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