

Replied by Ian D on topic Dublin!

Posted 13 Dec 2013 15:59 #31
Hello all

Two years ago I had surgery in Dublin performed by Mr Stefan Klopper.

I have suffered night glare from day one and have visited the clinic so many times undergoing the same tests every time. I was forgotten about every few months until I got in touch with a guy called David Mungall.

He seems to have taken on my case with emails to and fro.

[strike]Professor[/strike] Dr Jan Venter referred me to Dr Johnny Moore in Belfast, but I had to pay my own travel expenses.

Dr Moore told me that I have a 50/50 choice. Deal with what I have and wear glasses at night or have further surgery to fix the night glare, but my eye sight will get worse so will still have to wear glasses.

I contacted Mungall requesting a refund and he told me that I was to see [strike]Prof[/strike] Dr Venter in Dublin again regarding I-Design.

I visited [strike]Prof[/strike] Dr Venter who told me I-Design won't work and if he was to refer me to Dr Moore that it would cost a lot more money so he recommended I ask David Mungall for a refund.

Luckily I have this conversation recorded clear as day.

I then received a email from Mungall two days ago asking would I take a phone call next week to discuss.

So now I'm waiting for a call, and if Mungall does refuse my refund I will be posting my story everywhere I can with the recording and taking them to the small claims court.

I will keep you updated with the outcome.
Last Edit:20 Sep 2014 22:08 by Ian D

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Replied by HazelJ on topic Any Irish members?

Posted 07 Dec 2013 20:01 #32
Hi I live in Tipperary and had RLE in Clane last October. I would love to hear from anyone else who had this done and is having problems there where so many bodies are going through there must be others of you out there. I am just starting court action against OE :P
Last Edit:07 Dec 2013 23:23 by HazelJ

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  • maria okane

Replied by maria okane on topic I'm Irish!

Posted 06 Dec 2013 15:42 #33
I live in Belfast and had my laser surgery carried out by Optimax. The first procedure went horribly wrong but the retreatment they offered was disastrous, as a result I am now taking legal action against this company. It was only through listening to a Radio 4 programme that I learned of Sasha Rodoy of My Beautiful Eyes as the only advocate for people like myself who had suffered as a result of failures from laser eye surgery. If I can be of assistance to other people in Northern Ireland who have experienced similar experiences please ask Sasha for my contact details.
Last Edit:06 Dec 2013 17:20 by maria okane

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  • PJK

Replied by PJK on topic Any Irish members?

Posted 06 Dec 2013 10:58 #34

Major ongoing High Court Case (Dublin Ireland) against Optical Express Ltd 2013

Contact this phone number or email anytime:
by PJK

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  • Messy Queen
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Replied by Messy Queen on topic Any Irish members?

Posted 10 Jul 2013 12:00 #35


I'm based in Dublin and am experiencing something very similar. Sasha has my contact details and I would really like to connect with you.
by Messy Queen
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Any Irish members? was created by

Posted 09 Apr 2013 13:23 #36
Hi - just a quick enquiry to find out if there are any other Irish members,
It would be interesting to share our experiences.

I had surgery in July of last year - Ballsbridge, Dublin, and am suffering from
some post op issues.

To contact me please post here or send email to :
FAO Irish
Last Edit:29 Aug 2013 14:26 by

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