
Lasik | Lasek Problems

  • Mic

Replied by Mic on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 04 Jan 2014 01:25 #161
Another downside of problems after lasik is that patients are mostly unable to wear contact lenses again because the cornea is scarred. Retreatments can't be done forever, which the clinic doesn't explain when they say "don't worry we'll give you a top up/ enhancement"!. It has risks every time. Patients are undergoing surgery so not to wear glasses, but at some point many will be back to glasses with no possibility of wearing comparatively safe and comfortable contact lenses. Before surgery patients need to have a stable prescription for at least one year but that is not a guarantee that the prescription will remain stable for even one year following lasik.
All very sad :(
Last Edit:04 Jan 2014 11:33 by Mic

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  • Zoe

Replied by Zoe on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 03 Jan 2014 19:55 #162
In November 2007 I paid £3,000 to correct my distance vision. My prescription was approx -4 and -5 .

After a recent eye test I need glasses for driving as my prescription is now -0.25 and -1.25.

Optical Express have told me that if I had gone back to them within four years of surgery they would have carried out retreatment free of charge, but now they can do nothing as it's out of time.

The optician contacted OE's Head Office on my behalf and was told that I could have 50% discount on 'top up' surgery (approx £1600), but understandably I have rejected their offer and told them that I will not be returning to Optical Express again.

I am now very happy with 2 pairs of glasses from Specsavers that I paid £69 for.

I am seeking further advice on this as surely eye surgery should last more than 6 years?
Last Edit:03 Jan 2014 22:26 by Zoe

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  • Supporter

Replied by Supporter on topic Post op problems

Posted 20 Dec 2013 13:40 #163
The UK government should be funding a proper research study instead of allowing companies like Optical Express to advertise 99% success rate when it's very obvious this is far from the truth. According to many people with problems they haven't been given the opportunity to either amend their feedback left within days of surgery before poor results became apparent, or report their dissatisfaction with treatment at all, so the 99% success rates being claimed by these companies are plain wrong! I am sure there are enough people looking at this site to provide a big enough sample pool for researchers.
Such studies should be done by unbiased researchers who have no personal agenda, and not by surgeons with an invested interest likely to skew data in favour of laser eye surgery.
by Supporter

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  • WOW!!!

Replied by WOW!!! on topic 40% problem rate in Japan

Posted 19 Dec 2013 18:39 #164

The Consumer Affairs Agency has issued an official cautionary warning for individuals interested in Lasik eyesight correction procedures after reports of patients suffering blurred light perception and other problems have become more frequent.

In the past 4 1/2 years, the agency has received over 80 reports from patients suffering various injuries and issues following their Lasik procedures.

Of the variety of injuries and problems reported to the bureau, the most common was individuals who reported that the procedure over-corrected their eyesight rendering them abnormally farsighted, NHK quoted an agency spokeswoman as saying. Other cased included patients who experienced unceasing and severely acute eye pain and soreness, and others, who were forced to put medicated eye drops in their eyes several times every hour.

After reports began to increase in frequency and severity, the agency conducted a survey targeting approximately 600 individuals who had received Lasik eye surgery. According to the results, over 40% of patients complained that they suffered from blurred vision and experienced difficulties processing light, often making it near impossible for them to see anything in dark areas.

Last Edit:19 Dec 2013 18:42 by WOW!!!

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  • LS

Replied by LS on topic Eyes have regressed :(

Posted 14 Dec 2013 12:04 #165
Plus dry eyes!
by LS

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  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic Optom got free surgery @ OE

Posted 14 Dec 2013 10:53 #166
The expression "you don't get something for nothing" springs to mind here. Well, she sure got "something for nothing", worse visual acuity than she had wearing glasses/contacts, with glare and night vision problems to boot!
Last Edit:14 Dec 2013 11:11 by Mr Starburst

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  • :(

Replied by :( on topic Optom got free surgery @ OE

Posted 14 Dec 2013 02:16 #167
by :(

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  • Norman

Replied by Norman on topic Letter from David Mungall @ OE

Posted 13 Dec 2013 23:43 #168
Openness and transparency is being called for by the My Beautiful Eyes Campaign.

Non disclosure 'gagging clauses' like this are designed to bury poor outcomes and complications.

How many lasik/ lasek patients will face a similar dilemma when the time comes that they develop cataracts and require lens replacement?
Last Edit:13 Dec 2013 23:48 by Norman

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Replied by Kali on topic Critique

Posted 13 Dec 2013 22:45 #169
1. "ex gratia"
Definition: out of kindness but not admitting liablity

2. "In the unusual circumstances of your case..."
How many damaged patients does it take before problems stop being "unusual"?
See Stephen Hannan's similar offer to Sheena dated 4 December 2012: www.opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk/ind...ss-offer-letter.html

3. "The making by us of this offer, your receipt of this offer and the content of this letter are wholly confidential matters. You will not under any circumstances disclose the making and receipt of this offer or the content of this letter to any third party. Furthermore you agree not to discuss this offer, the making of the offer, the circumstances of the offer made, the content of this letter, the treatment given by us to you, the Laser vision Correction referred to above and/or any clinical outcomes and complications arising from that procedure with any third party (other than any legal advisers or physician you may consult). You agree to be bound by this obligation of confidentiality without limit of time."
Unsolicited and unsigned yet David Mungall demands the recipient accepts the terms dictated.

4. "You have acknowledged that you were advised in advance of the above procedure that there were clinically recognised risks and that in a percentage of cases clinical outcomes and complications could result from the procedure which we are not capable of *being predicted* in advance"
*Sadly not a typo!
Last Edit:13 Dec 2013 23:36 by Kali

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Replied by Anniebabes on topic Letter from David Mungall @ OE

Posted 13 Dec 2013 18:44 #170
Thought everyone might be interested to read the letter I received from David Mungall (Patient Care Manager) at OE asking me to sign away my rights in return for £200 worth of OE vouchers as an "ex gratia" offer for damaging my eyes!

You can read my story here:
Last Edit:13 Dec 2013 22:30 by Anniebabes


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