
Lasik | Lasek Problems

  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic How to proceed?

Posted 29 Nov 2013 11:30 #171
Jeff, if you haven't already done so, you should contact info@mybeautifuleyes.co.uk help/advisory service.

I would advise in no way expose yourself to the risk of further surgery with those that have caused the problem in the first place. You need to see a top level expert corneal refractive surgeon, not the high st cowboys.

I have met both searching for a cure for my own problems (2 x surgery), and believe me, there's a world of difference between them.

Refractive surgery is essentially a "right first time" procedure, and can be very problematic to fix if not done so.
Last Edit:29 Nov 2013 15:01 by Mr Starburst
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Replied by Jeff on topic How to proceed?

Posted 28 Nov 2013 16:44 #172
Having had lasik surgery with Optical Express in November 2012 I had a second corrective lasik procedure in my left eye in March 2013 which again proved unsuccessful. I have visited their clinics more times in the last year than i have visited my GP since I left school and now have constant eye strain with headaches, needing something sorting out sooner rather than later.

I had an appointment at OE on Monday 25/11/13 when they put a contact lens in for a week and I'm due to return next Monday 02/12/13 for them to remove the lens and perform various scans so they can decide the next step of my ' Treatment'.

This will be my third operation and I am concerned as to whether I should allow them near my eyes again because I understand that 3 is the maximum number of procedures that is recommended per eye (regardless of who/where they are done by ).

From the outset i have told them I was unhappy and wished i had never had it done in the first place yet on my records it states several times that i was satisfied with the outcome.

Having re-read my notes it also appears there may be an issue with my Meibomian Glands which I was unaware of until someone pointed out that their notes stating 'some blocked MGs' refer to that. I wasn't made aware of this nor advised that I need specific treatment for what is actually MGD!

If anyone who has had retreatments with OE can give me their opinion and experience I would appreciate it.
Last Edit:28 Nov 2013 18:06 by Jeff

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  • mc

Replied by mc on topic Lasik Flap Never Heals - Dr. Oz Show

Posted 23 Nov 2013 13:44 #173
Dr. Oz warning

If you’ve had Lasik surgery ask your doctor about risks of eye impact damage!
Last Edit:23 Nov 2013 15:57 by mc

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  • Caro

Replied by Caro on topic Eyes have regressed :(

Posted 20 Nov 2013 11:56 #174
I had Epilasek (similar to Lasek), 7 years ago, and have been in agony ever since. My eyesight is ruined, and about a year ago, it started getting even worse - if I want to read this clearly, I have to cup my hands round my eyes, to stop light flooding over what I am trying to look at. The only person I know who was truly happy with her treatment, in all respects, was my sister in law, but 10 years on, she now needs glasses again, and would not dare to have another treatment. Enhancements carry their own risks, and I have read countless cases of people who have had them and ended up worse off. Please be careful!
As for long term prognosis of our treatments, well we don't know what further problems we might suffer.
Suction rings used for many procedures, are now known to cause floaters and dry eye, and other complications, and research doctors admit that they now realise the action of these instruments on the eye, is far more complex than originally thought. I won't be risking my eyes again!
by Caro

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  • annie

Replied by annie on topic eye problems increasing

Posted 19 Nov 2013 23:17 #175
:S My true story is on this site but I am finding even more problems as time goes on. On top of all my other problems I am now finding if I wear any kind of makeup even just moisturiser my eyes are very stingy and watery. The night vision is getting worse and making driving very difficult. I am becoming more and more depressed and upset that Optical Express do not seem to care what they are doing to people. I am now wondering what other problems are going to crop up in the future.
by annie

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  • Anon

Replied by Anon on topic Eyes have regressed :(

Posted 19 Nov 2013 21:52 #176
Mr S is right! I had Lasek 3 years ago and was left with permanently damaged vision as well as excrutiating pain even if rain touches my eyes. I asked a surgeon about the pain who said, oh yes, lasek does that! Driving at night might be a problem for you but Lasek has left me blinded by lights and seeing major starbursts from car headlights so it's too dangerous for me to drive at night! Don't risk making your eyes worse than they are!
by Anon

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  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic Eyes have regressed :(

Posted 19 Nov 2013 21:31 #177
Aaarrghh ! I refer you to my previous post. Don't go anywhere near "Lasek". This has very unpredictable healing, and I have been in contact with someone in the USA who suffered from many months of discomfort and poor vision after this particular operation, and may well still be in trouble. Will you be told about the "off label" radiomimetic drug "Mitomycin-C" (MMC) which the high st clinics routinely put in peoples eyes to counter the formation of haze, which you may only be told about just before the ops when you have a consent form thrust in front of you when you are already in a pressured environment. The long term effects of this drug are unknown, and a top level surgeon in the UK won't perform lasek nor even contemplate putting this stuff in someone's eyes. As I said before, if you have no quality of vision issues, LEAVE WELL ALONE ! You could end up suffering for the rest of your life from further surgery !
by Mr Starburst

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  • Smudge

Replied by Smudge on topic Eyes have regressed :(

Posted 19 Nov 2013 18:59 #178
Hi I have already had Wavefront Lasik in December 2011 but noticed 9 months later that my eyesight had deteriorated. I thought this was down to being tired, stress at work, etc so left it to see if my eyesight would improve. Anyway it hasn't. I am finding it increasingly difficult to drive at night. Anyway OE have offered me LASEK treatment this Friday(22 Nov 2013) at no extra cost. Having read lots of info tonight I would welcome your opinion.
by Smudge

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  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic Eyes have regressed :(

Posted 04 Nov 2013 11:15 #179
I would in no way contemplate having what is termed as an "enhancement", especially at a high st clinic. These are, after all, further surgeries, with all the attendant risks that are involved. If I had no quality of vision issues, merely regression of focus, I'd leave well alone, and would quite happily wear contacts or glasses.
by Mr Starburst

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Replied by JoBee on topic I wish I hadn't wasted all that money!

Posted 03 Nov 2013 22:42 #180
I paid £2850 for laser eye surgery on 11.02.2011 and have today been informed that I need glasses again.

My right eye has deteriorated so badly that I couldn't see the top of the letter chart without the aid of my other eye!

I'm 27 years old so I'm sure this shouldn't be happening. Is there anything I can do about it, as I wouldn't have been so keen to spend my money on the procedure if I'd known it wouldn't last.

I wanted to have the surgery to save money, thinking in the long run I would save because I wouldn't have to keep paying out for glasses. It is not three years since the date of my surgery and I have had to shell out nearly £200 for 2 pairs of glasses, not to mention the cost of the eye test.

I am furious with Optical Express.
Last Edit:03 Nov 2013 22:50 by JoBee

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