
Lasik | Lasek Problems

Replied by Mrshengy on topic Eyes have regressed :(

Posted 09 Jul 2013 17:00 #191
Hi all,
Just thought I'd update you, I had my consultation with Mr Daya & have meibomian gland disease (MGD) in both corneas, evidence of nasal hinge flaps, irregularity in right eye, central flattening in my left, presence of high order aberrations with night myopia and a few other extras!

I'm very disappointed with myself for trusting OE & spoke to #StephenHannan about the report - what a horrible annoying man! He has informed me they will not fund my follow up appointment at Centre for Sight even though he's already paid my travel expenses!!! Figure that out!

He wrote,
"The referral to the Centre for Sight was for a second opinion on your outcome and management. The advice of Dr Daya was in line with Professor Venter. Management of your dry eye signs and symptoms is required before consideration of any future enhancement. We are delighted and able to afford you care at Optical Express in this regard and as such would not be agreeable to fund future consultations at the Centre for Sight".

This is untrue as Prof Venter did not tell me I had all these problems or prescribe treatment as Mr Daya did.

I therefore do not trust OE with a follow up appointment to tell me the MGD has cleared when they didn't even notice it to start with!!!
Last Edit:10 Jul 2013 00:05 by Mrshengy

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  • Treacle

Replied by Treacle on topic DON"T HAVE LASER EYE SURGERY!

Posted 17 Jun 2013 19:35 #192
Just want to add my story. I am currentlytaking action against my surgery provider with the help of My Beautiful Eyes. I paid a lot for the best treatment and now experience symptoms including dry eyes, night glare, light sensitivity, halos and headaches. The headaches have worsened. No help from Surgery provider regarding symptoms. Headaches are especially bad on nice days. I dread sunny days now. The headache develops into a terrible throbbing pain above and behind my eyes. Before the operation, I never used to experience headaches, I remember often commenting how lucky I was not to get headaches. My GP is very concerned and is referring me to a specialist. Have been to my optician and been told that I may not wear contact lenses for 2 years after the surgery. He is shocked that I still go to him when I have paid for aftercare. I had to go and buy my own glasses so that I was able to see and drive safely. i had a couple of close scrapes but the Provider still insisted my eyes are up to driving standard. My optician has confirmed they are not by the way! I wear glasses all the time and I am still paying for the surgery. It has affected my quality of life for sure. I used to go to the gym regularly but now don't go much because of the glasses and the symptoms. My confidence is affected. I feel unattractive wearing glasses and I don't wear make up as it now makes my eyes feel dry and gritty. I NEVER wore glasses in my daily life before the surgery except for an hour or two at night before bed. I guess that's one of the reasons I'm finding it hard. I can only give thanks to God that I am not as bad as some of the other poor victims of bad laser surgery that are in an even worse state. I feel for those people and this industry makes me very angry. I am angry that the industry is not being regulated properly. I never anticipated or was told that this could be life after laser eye surgery. i was promised perfect vision free of glasses. The symptoms and headaches get me down. It is so very depressing to know that I trusted these people with my eyes and I can't go back and change it now. They are liars. I strongly urge people to not have this surgery with the high street providers. To them we are just money making cattle. They do not care for us or our eyes.
I had this surgery done for my new job. A month after surgery I went for the training. It was a nightmare. They would put the projector screen on and I would have to sit at the front to make out the letters. The white light of the screen was cloudy. Halos everywhere. i was really worried. The trainers were concerned about my vision problems and if I would be fit for the job. My colleagues would laugh at me as I looked like a blind bat, squinty and constantly having to ask people what the overhead signs said and which way to go. I kept going back to my Provider, asking for help and they said I was fine, eyes are just settling. They even lied about my prescription not to give me glasses. If you are thinking of having laser surgery for a job, don't! You may be unfortunate enough to be so affected that the job is no longer an option.
I hope I have helped inform and warn someone out there of how laser eye surgery can really change your life.
Last Edit:17 Jun 2013 21:29 by Treacle

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Replied by Mrshengy on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 17 Jun 2013 12:41 #193
Mines was -1.75 & -1.25
by Mrshengy

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Replied by Robin on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 16 Jun 2013 22:30 #194
It would be interesting to know what prescription you all had pre surgery... I am sure that long sightedness i.e. plus prescription is more of a challenge to correct ?
Last Edit:16 Jun 2013 22:43 by Robin

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Replied by Mrshengy on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 16 Jun 2013 17:56 #195
My eyes regressed back to my original prescription just 6 months after surgery I now have glasses too :(
by Mrshengy

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  • adversary
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Replied by adversary on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 13 Jun 2013 13:42 #196
Following failed surgery I have been given prescription specs on 3 occasions and NONE have been fit for the purpose.

So if OE can't even provide glasses that correct my vision after 3 attempts, with hindsight what hope did I have that lasering my eyes would do the trick?
Last Edit:13 Jun 2013 14:04 by adversary

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  • Lucky me!

Replied by Lucky me! on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 13 Jun 2013 12:58 #197
I had laser eye surgery with Optical Express in 2007. Initially it was fine but after just 6 years one eye has regressed. I have complained to Optical Express and they originally told me that it would cost £900 for further treatment. After further complaining they have offered me a 30% discount. I originally spent £2,500 & was told that I would have perfect vision for 30 years. I feel cheated. Looking at this website it appears I have been lucky!
by Lucky me!

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Replied by Cat0 on topic Streaming & stinging eyes in sunlight?

Posted 07 Jun 2013 18:04 #198

I have found that my eyes are very sensitive to sunlight now but never used to be before surgery.
I am having the same trouble as you but to a lesser extent.
I don't have any tips. I don't know what to do either to make it better other than sunglasses or staying in, which is not an option, so I would be interested if anyone else has some tips.
by Cat0

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Replied by Mrshengy on topic Streaming & stinging eyes in sunlight?

Posted 07 Jun 2013 15:43 #199
My eyes are soo sensitive even with sunglasses since laser surgery. I cannot go outside in sunlight without wearing sunglasses and all my eyes seem to do is stream and sting.

I've never had to wear sunglasses before, has anyone else suffered like this & do you have any tips as this happens when I'm driving and I have to pull over for 5 mins
Really getting me down! :(
Last Edit:07 Jun 2013 18:30 by Mrshengy

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Replied by Robin on topic Unstable eyesight after Lasik

Posted 07 Jun 2013 13:22 #200
Cat0 Be aware that ibuprofen can make your dry eye worse. Worth checking out if you are on medications if any of them can affect your eyes. Some antidepressants can also worsen dry eye. Seek advice from an experienced optometrist or ophthalmologist regarding this.
Last Edit:07 Jun 2013 22:47 by Robin

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