
Lasik | Lasek Problems

  • Anonymous

Replied by Anonymous on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 22 Apr 2013 13:23 #211
Prior to surgery I had worn varifocals for many years. My prescription had been stable for 12 years.
Post surgery I could not see clearly. I need varifocals again and have had 4 prescription changes in 2 years due to my vision deteriorating since surgery. My one eye was over corrected and the other under corrected. They tried to attribute this to an unpredictable healing pattern. I am staggered that I was not informed beforehand that if one undergoes LASEK then the healing of the cornea is ALWAYS unpredictable so it is ALWAYS unknown whether or not clear vision can be achieved. Just one more risk skipped over on the consent form. I would like the TRUE statistics for LASEK patients success rates.
I would not let OE touch my eyes again for a million pounds.
My advice would be to decline any further surgery. They are clearly inept.
by Anonymous

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  • Lisa Denby

Replied by Lisa Denby on topic I NEED GLASSES AGAIN

Posted 22 Apr 2013 09:41 #212
You would be surprised just how many people have had this issue too. I am one of them now two years down the line waiting to hear back from the 'customer support' team to discuss the issues I have with OE.

I will not be allowing OE to carry out surgery to my eyes again I do not believe that they are fully qualified at all to carry out the services they offer. I don't believe they train people correctly and I think the management is absolutely shoddy.

In the same breath I will not be letting my story drop as their feeble, "I am sorry" responses do not cut it and I will be doing all I can to help Sasha Rodroy with her campaign against this industry which is very happy to take our money and do nothing else!!
Last Edit:22 Apr 2013 10:27 by Lisa Denby

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Posted 19 Apr 2013 23:32 #213
I had lasik at Optical Express 4 months ago and my vision is WORSE than ever!! They tell me I need more surgery to correct them & it'll be fine. But how can I trust them when they told me my eyes would be perfect after my opertaion which I paid thousands of £££ for & it's not??

While I wait I need glasses to drive and see TV.

They gave me two sets so far which are the wrong prescription and they haven't even said sorry, and I am waiting for the new ones to be sent

Has anyone else had this problem?

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  • hendo82
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Replied by hendo82 on topic Sense of smell

Posted 13 Apr 2013 11:33 #214
Well there it is in writing eh tw@ts!

I think it's the continued use of eye drops as well because the inside of my nose is all crusty n sore.

Nightmare !!
Last Edit:13 Apr 2013 11:49 by hendo82

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  • Hovering

Replied by Hovering on topic Sight & smell

Posted 12 Apr 2013 22:35 #215
It's a scientific fact that the two are related!

by Hovering

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  • hendo82
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Replied by hendo82 on topic Sense of smell

Posted 12 Apr 2013 20:30 #216
Has any one encountered a loss of their sense of smell or it being reduced ?? As this has happened to me I'm sure its to do with the surgery or trauma from it as I could smell fine before it as I miss the smell of freshly cut grass & smells of the old pepole in the local pub. They say its not linked and must be something else to see my own doctor :huh:
Last Edit:12 Apr 2013 22:28 by hendo82

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  • Mr Starburst
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Replied by Mr Starburst on topic The cutting of second lasik flaps in eyes.

Posted 03 Apr 2013 09:39 #217
Has anyone had, or heard of second lasik flaps being cut in corneas that have already had lasik flaps cut into them from previous surgery ? This happened to me, and it didn't fix my vision problems from the first surgery.
by Mr Starburst

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Replied by nannypat on topic I'm due to have LASEK Friday...

Posted 29 Mar 2013 08:37 #218
Hi Bungle

Thank you I was not trying to put you off your LASEK OP just thought you needed to know what they do not tell you!!!!!

Hope it all goes OK for you today let us know how you get on please take care and good luck.
by nannypat

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  • Visitor

Replied by Visitor on topic Lasek side effects

Posted 28 Mar 2013 22:53 #219
Hard to believe this industry is unregulated & people continue to fall for the sales pitches & risk their eyesight just to give up wearing glasses :unsure:
by Visitor

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Replied by admin on topic Record your Q & As from the surgeon

Posted 28 Mar 2013 19:08 #220

Bungle wrote:
PS my first post didn't show up. hopefully this one will.

Thanks to the high incidence of spam attacks against this site, posts from unregistered users must wait for approval from a moderator. We try to do this is as quickly as possible.
If you decide to go ahead I advise you record your pre op Q & As with the operating surgeon in case of any problems.

This is something I believe everyone undergoing eye surgery should do in the event of complications and the arguable validity of fully informed consent!

Meanwhile Bungle, please keep us updated.
Last Edit:31 Oct 2013 09:15 by admin

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Moderators: adminSasha

OERML & My Beautiful Eyes Foundation rely on your support to expose the horrors of this unregulated industry.

Your help is very much appreciated!
