

  • Stephen Maguire

Replied by Stephen Maguire on topic Suing OE

Posted 27 Oct 2017 21:16 #31
Me and my partner both had eye surgery lens implants. My partner's went drastically wrong and when she went back we had to pay a further £550 for them to laser one eye, then she was told that her other eye needed treatment and they're asking for a further £550 - this is on top of the first payment of around £3500. We were told that we would get lifetime after care what a Joke that was .
All this company wants is Money our Money! There must be something that can be done.
I'm trying to find out how to take legal action against Optical Express and if anyone can help put me in touch with a decent legal firm that can help us please do. We're based in Nottingham.
admin: If you send your phone number I will call you :kiss: info@opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk
Last Edit:28 Oct 2017 21:33 by Stephen Maguire

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  • Cyphex

Replied by Cyphex on topic SMALL CLAIMS COURT

Posted 24 May 2017 12:59 #32
Hello all,

I had Laser eye surgery from OE in April 2010. As many others on here i was told by the sales team that it would last approx 20 years and I would only need off the shelf glasses. I was advised a life time guarantee and free eye tests every 2 years.

Fast forward 5 years (2015) I was told my upcoming eye test i'd have to pay for (which i thought was strange). Follow on another 2 years and my eyes have deteriorated that I actually need glasses again. Having contacted OE where I had the operation done i was referred to head office.

Head office advised I should go to my local store and arrange a free consultation for me. I then got the usually sales brochures as if it was a first time appointment. Upon attending the appointment I was met with a (extremely hard faced) women who told me that because I had the op done previously i'd have to pay £50 upfront for this consultation! Upon advising her of the situation she told me they don't offer any sort of life time guarantee and did I have this in writing. I am normally good and keeping documentation and no contract was given to me from OE at that time. She then referred me back to head office even though i challenged her they had advised me to come here.

I now feel that OE have completely mis-represented the product and service during their sales pitch and I would like to see if anyone on here has had any luck trying to claim their money back with the contract?
by Cyphex

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  • Alan

Replied by Alan on topic SUE THE SURGEON?

Posted 23 May 2017 13:11 #33
Can anyone recommend a legal firm in Nottingham area with successful outcome please
admin: No advertising permitted :kiss:
For info send your phone number to info@opticalexpresstuinedmylife.co.uk
Last Edit:23 May 2017 13:16 by Alan

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  • Ken

Replied by Ken on topic SUE THE SURGEON?

Posted 18 May 2017 03:30 #34
I had laser surgery in dec 2015 as life without glasses or lenses for a change. Little did i know that in this short time period i would be back with same sight issues as i had prior to surgery(glasses/contacts). Has anybody truthfully got any luck on a refund or other help in this situation please?
admin: Yes :kiss:

Many claims have been settled outside court - including those represented by legal firms and those issued by the claimant in person via the small claims track.

Stephanie Holloway's claim is to date the only case I know of that Optical Express arrogantly let go to trial - regretfully for both the company and Joanna McGraw - when she was awarded £569,000 (+ interest) on grounds of lack of informed consent alone.

Another payment of approximately £500,000 was recently paid to Sandip Bains, who suffered residual scarring and refractive error in her early thirties after surgery performed by Stefan Klopper, currently being sued by numerous other OE patients.

I have details of other settlements and will endeavour to publish when I have time, but unfortunately, unlike the increasing numbers of damaged patients contacting me, my time is in short supply!
Last Edit:18 May 2017 15:06 by Ken

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Replied by admin on topic Suing OE

Posted 08 Feb 2017 10:59 #35

Kelly wrote: I'm beyond angry, how has everyone else done against them?

There are hundreds of people currently in litigation against both Optical Express and the operating surgeon, but details are rarely published here - not least because Optical Express monitor OERML closely!

Stephanie Holloway is the only person I know whose case went to trial in 2014, while dozens more have been settled out of court since 2015, including those via small claims courts.

Many of those who settled out of court - with or without a 'gagging order' - have provided me with documents and copies of OE correspondence, including settlement agreements. I intend to post a list of settlement amounts when I have time.

NB: A word of warning to anyone being asked to sign a document before OE agree to give you any further treatment needed - DO NOT sign until you have taken advice!

Contrary to what the deceptively worded document infers (I will post copy asap) you will be signing away all your rights should anything go wrong, or you need more treatment!

If anyone would like further advice on this matter please send your phone number :kiss: info@opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk
Last Edit:08 Feb 2017 11:13 by admin

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  • Kelly

Replied by Kelly on topic Beginning Quest For A Refund

Posted 08 Feb 2017 08:50 #36
I'm in the exact same position expect when I initially consulted with optical express I was promised life time care. Then the contact I signed stated 2 years. However I went to have both eyes redone they would only do one on the day. Told me to leave it a few months between surgery went to rebook and then told after my consultation a charge was payable.

I was made believe I had taken the first steps to intiate my treatment inside the term and there decision was what meant I couldn't complete within the two years.

I'm beyond angry, how has everyone else done against them?
by Kelly

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  • Mrs R

Replied by Mrs R on topic Beginning Quest For A Refund

Posted 22 Jan 2017 19:52 #37
Can anyone help me?

I'm beginning the quest for a refund - don't all laugh at once!

I presented within 15 months of my surgery with poor vision - I definitely do not have 20/20 vision - OE are now telling me that any aftercare or any further treatment will now cost me more - I don't want anymore treatment at all (especially not for £1000 an eye!!).

I've written to OE - obviously to no avail - [deleted]
admin: I edited your post as you were giving OE too much information :kiss:
Pls email me for advice info@opticalexpressruibedmylife.co.uk
Last Edit:24 Jan 2017 11:12 by Mrs R

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  • leevy chang

Replied by leevy chang on topic Small claims court

Posted 17 Jan 2017 18:17 #38
hi, I have a similar situation and the only options from the OE surgeon is to remove the old lens and put in another one which is also not guaranteed but the worst thing is that OE insists that I have to pay for this operation which is amounting to 3k.. totally unacceptable. If you have any suggestion please email to me as I am also looking to sue them... thanks
admin: I need your email address - pls read my note to Mandy below :kiss:
Last Edit:08 Feb 2017 11:00 by leevy chang

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  • Mandy Gee

Replied by Mandy Gee on topic Has anyone succeeded in suing OE

Posted 13 Dec 2016 18:57 #39
I had lens replacement surgery in Oct 2014. It has been a disaster with many of the issues others are reporting, and in addition, at the time of my first operation the anaesthatist put a canula in my hand but was busy on his mobile phone to a broadband company and by being distracted, did not administer a sedative. I have contacted lawyers and I am in the process of pursuing a claim against OE but just wondered if anyone had had success and any helpful info they could add.
admin: Be assured that a number of people have successfully sued OE, with hundreds more currently in litigation. Claims are usually settled out of court, with the exception of Stephanie Holloway - much to OE's regret!
For more info send email to info@opticalexressruinedmylife.co.uk
Last Edit:20 Dec 2016 06:10 by Mandy Gee

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  • Tracey

Replied by Tracey on topic Small claims court

Posted 13 Dec 2016 14:15 #40
Help? I had lens replacement and now can't drive at night. The haloes are terrible. I've had so many appointments with conflicting information . I'm now considering small claims. Any advice would be fantastic
admin: Please send email to info@opticalexressruinedmylife.co.uk :kiss:
Last Edit:14 Dec 2016 17:21 by Tracey

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Your help is very much appreciated!
