
Retinal Detachment

Replied by CML on topic Retinal Detachment

Posted 09 Jun 2014 11:38 #1
They don't check behind your eyes before surgery. Best thing to do is check with an independent ophthalmologist.
Last Edit:09 Jun 2014 11:48 by CML

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Replied by admin on topic Retinal Detachment

Posted 02 Jun 2014 12:37 #2
Alison, please contact me with your phone number: info@opticalexpressruinedmylife.co.uk
by admin

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  • Alison

Retinal Detachment was created by Alison

Posted 02 Jun 2014 12:28 #3
Hi, I had surgery 5 years ago with an enhancement 3 years ago.

I've suffered with dry eyes since the surgery with my eyes burning if I open them too quickly when I wake up.

Last year I started to get blurred vision in my right eye but I'd just had a baby and moved house so going to the optician was put off.

Last October I passed a local Optical Express and went in for an eye test. I was told I needed to go to the hospital as my retina was detaching.

I went back to the opticians in January as I feared my left eye was also regressing. I was told I had 20/20 vision.

In March I decided to go to Vision Express who were my opticians before the surgery. I was told my prescription in -.75 and -1.50. I can barely see out of my right eye and what I can see is very blurred.

Has anyone else had retinal detachment after surgery? Is surgery a contributing factor or am I just unlucky?

I'm devastated by this and having wasted £4000.
Last Edit:02 Jun 2014 12:35 by Alison

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